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"We see animals as independent lives, not as populations.
If we can prevent the needless suffering of a single animal,
then we have done important work."

What does it take to save a wild life?

It takes a very special place where our injured and orphaned wild creatures can be rescued and cared for until they are healthy enough to be returned to a safe natural habitat. A place like Island Wildlife.

We admit and treat patients from all the Gulf Islands and mid Vancouver Island at our Salt Spring Island facility. But we can't do it alone. It takes a caring community to help us with financial support to pay for food, medical supplies and procedures, equipment, temporary habitats and the all important skilled staff.

Your donations are the life blood of our operation and we thank you from the bottom of our hearts.
All Canadian donations are tax deductible




PO Box 678, Stn Ganges Salt Spring Island, BC V8K2W3 Canada 

E-mail:   Charitable #888706140RR001

©2023 Island Wildlife Natural Care Centre

Island Wildlife Rescue

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